Move a page

  1. Make sure you are in Edit mode (click the dropbox at the top right corner of the page and select edit mode)
  2. Click on the page of your Site Synergy website that you want to move.
  3. Go to the icon bar above the content area and click Move, to move the page somewhere else
  4. You will now have a page appear that looks like this
  5. There are 3 options in the drop down box: Under, Before and After. Each will move the page in a different way.
    • Under: will move the page so that it becomes a sub-page of the page that you choose
    • Before: will move the page so that it becomes the page immediately before the page you give as a reference
    • After: will move the page so that it becomes the page immediately after the page you give as a reference
  6. Once you have selected either the Under, Before or After option, enter the name of the page you will use as a reference in the text box "Type in a search term".  
    e.g. You might want to move a page "Braking in a car” so that it becomes a sub-page of the "Driving a Car” page. So you would select "Under” from the drop down box, and then search "Driving a Car” and select the page that appears.

    If you want to move the page "Driving a Truck” so that it comes after "Driving a Car” in the main navigation, choose "After” from the drop down box and search for "Driving a Car”, again selecting it from the list of pages that come up.

  7. Once you have completed this step, scroll down the page and click Publish.