Edit text

  1. Make sure you are in Edit mode (click the dropbox at the top right corner of the page and select edit mode)
  2. On the page that you want to edit, go to the icon bar above the content area and click Edit
  3. Your page will now look like this (for more information about the formatting bar, see the help article "Using the Formatting Bar”)

    To edit your text, type in the content area (as shown above) as though you were using a word processor (Microsoft Word, Notepad, etc.)

    NOTE: to copy and paste any text into this page from an external document, you must first copy your text and paste it into a simple text editor (e.g. notepad or text edit) and then convert your content to plain text before copying it again and pasting it into the website page.

  4. Once you have finished editing your text, scroll down the page and click the Publish button.


    • Never use the "Heading One” formatting for any of the body text. This is used as your Title page heading and should only be used once on each page for optimum performance on Search Engines.
    • Use the other heading formats ('Heading Two”, "Heading Three”, etc.) in the same priority as the importance of the text. For example, The Top Heading might be "How To Implement Text”, this is the title of the overall text and so "Heading Two” would be used. Then underneath this main heading, you might have sub headings, in which case "Heading Three” would be used.