Insert an image

  1. Make sure you are in Edit mode (click the dropbox at the top right corner of the page and select edit mode)
  2. On the page that you want to edit, go to the icon bar above the content area and click Edit
  3. An editing page will now load that has a formatting toolbar and the text area editor.

Options to insert an image

There are two options to insert an image.
  • The Image icon: Insert an image from a different location online. Either an image from another page on your website or from an external site.
  • The Insert Resources icon: Insert an image from your website resources files. (Either an image that is already uploaded to your website resources files, or upload an image from your computer to your website resources files)

Insert an image using the Image icon

  1. Position your cursor in your text area where you want to place the image. Click the Image icon on the toolbar. This will open the Image lightbox.
  2. In the Image lightbox, enter the following details in the fields:
    • Source – The absolute address of the image. (e.g.
    • Title – The image title. (e.g. My Car Image)
    • Alignment – Choose the image alignment from the dropdown values (e.g. left or right align on your content page). A preview of how the image will look like will be made available at the bottom of the lightbox.
    • Border – Select the border style that you want for the image.
    • Width – This is the width of the image. Leave blank for the original width.
    • Height – This is the height of the image. Leave blank for the original height.
    • Spacing – This is the space of the image to its relative texts, use this to add padding around your image to the top, bottom, left or right of the image.
  3. After entering the values, click Insert. The image is now inserted in your text area.
  4. Click Publish button. The image file is now published.

#Insert an image using the Insert Resources icon

  1. Position your cursor in your text area where you want to place the image. Click the Insert Resources icon on the toolbar. This will open the Insert Resources lightbox.
  2. In the left section of the Insert Resources lightbox there are two options to upload an image.
    • Browse your website resource files for the image you are after. OR
    • Upload an image from your computer to your website resources files. (Click on Choose File found at the bottom left of your screen. This opens up your computer directory. Click open once you've found the image you are after, then click upload file.) Now browse your website resource files to locate the image you just uploaded.
  3. Click on the image that you want to insert. Check that the absolute directory of the selected image is correct in the Source field. If you have selected the correct file it should reflect your image file name on the end of the source url.
  4. Select if you want to
    • Insert an actual image
    • Insert as a link OR
    • Insert as a thumbnail (with the option to have a link to open the full size image).
  5. Once done, click Insert button. The image is now inserted.
  6. Click Publish button. The image file is now published.