Account Password

Forgot Password

Do not submit more than three login attempts as the system will lock you out of your site. 
(If you have been locked out, contact Itag Media on 1300 79 55 41.)

To recover your password, follow these steps:
  1. On your website login screen, click Forgot Password
  2. Enter your email in the page you are taken to and click 'Send Password'.
  3. Go to your inbox. You will have an email from mysite with the following subject line:
  4. Use your user name and password supplied in this email to log back in to your website. IMPORTANT: For security reasons, we recommend changing your password after using the 'forgot password' system.

Change my password

  1. Hover over the My Dashboard located at the top right of your screen, click Update Account on the drop down menu that appears.
  2. When your accounts page loads, click the Profile Information tab
  3. Scroll down the page to the Change Your Password area
  4. Fill out the boxes according to their labels then click Change Password
  5. Go back to the profile information tab and you will get a notification of this password change. 
  6. Click continue to complete the password changing process.